United States’Loss is Gain Top BCA Colleges in UP during COVID19 Pandemic

The Novel Coronavirus pandemic is a boon to Indian colleges and universities, including top BCA colleges in UP . The ongoing global health crisis having crippled the US education system has proved to be a blessing in disguise for Indian students seeking foreign education. On 6 th July 2020, US President Donald Trump ruled in that international students should leave the country if their college or university has stopped offering classes in the campus. There are nearly 25, 00,000 Indian students having enrolled to US colleges and universities this year. The best MCA College in Uttar Pradesh is gearing up to make the most of the situation. Time is ripe for the top master of Computer Applications University in UP to woo Indian students from the United States. Computer Application is a discipline of the STEM education that the US is known for. The COVID19 pandemic is a golden opportunity for India to become an international education hub for bright students at home. There is a wi...